
Friday, October 30, 2009

Six Degrees of Alexander Comrie

As in the parlor game Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, I like to find connections between select Puritans, such as Richard Rogers. Today's "Six Degrees" centers on the Scottish-Dutch Puritan Alexander Comrie (1706-1774). He was an interesting figure because of he was both Scottish-born and educated, and also ministered in the Netherlands, where he was one of the last leaders of the Nadere Reformatie, or Dutch Further Reformation. He is the author of the well-beloved book entitled The ABC of Faith.

In his family tree, he counted the Scottish Covenanter/Puritan minister Andrew Gray (1633-1656) as a great-grandfather on his mother's side; Scottish Biblical commentator George Hutcheson (d. 1678) was his mother's step-father; Scottish Covenanter James Fraser of Brea (1639-1698) was his great-uncle; and Scottish Anglican Bishop and church historian Gilbert Burnet (1643-1715) was also a relative (who himself was a cousin of Scottish Covenanter Robert Baillie (1602-1662), who was brother-in-law to Scottish Covenanter Archibald Johnston, Lord Warriston (1611-1663)).

As a young man, he was catechized by Ralph (1685-1752) and Ebenezer Erskine (1680-1754).

Later in life, he translated into Dutch Hutcheson on the Minor Prophets; Thomas Shepard's (1605-1649) The Parable of the Ten Virgins; Walter Marshall's (1628-1680) The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification; Thomas Boston's (1676-1732) The Covenant of Grace; John Owen's (1616-1683) treatise on Indwelling Sin in Believers; Stephen Charnock's (1628-1680) treatise on the Atonement; Gisbertus Voetius' (1589-1676) treatise on the Experience of the Power of Godliness; and Isaac Chauncy's (1632-1712) exposition of the Westminster Shorter Catechism entitled The Doctrine Which is According to Godliness.

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