
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Thankful Review

James W. Alexander in 1854 published Plain Words to a Young Communicant, since republished by Banner of Truth as Remember Him. It is a brief book but rich in spiritual wisdom. Following the celebration of the Lord's Supper at my church today, and in remembrance of the many mercies of our good God, I write to share this particular bit of post-communion wisdom from Alexander's little book:

34. Thankful Review

Through the tender mercies of our God, there are many cases in which the young communicant retires from the Table of the Lord, strengthened and encouraged. The cardinal truth of Christianity has been set before his thoughts and becomes incorporated with his faith. He has seen Jesus (John 12:21). His views of the infinite freedom of salvation have been made more clear. The evidences of his acceptance with God have become brighter. He is more disposed than ever before, to yield himself as a sacrifice, soul, body and spirit, which is his reasonable service (Rom. 12:1). Where any part of this is true, you have new causes for gratitude. It is 'the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit' (Isa. 48:17). Now is the time, to bless him for this grace, and to beg the continuance of it. Now is the time to set a watch against relapses, and to carry into effect the vows which you have made at the Lord's Table. In the future, you will look for the recurrence of this sacrament with a lively expectation, founded on experience.

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