
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Matthew Henry Commentary Challenge

Perhaps the most famous and beloved of any Reformed Bible commentary is that of Matthew Henry. Elsewhere, I have written about the background to its production. Today I write to encourage others to take up the "Matthew Henry Commentary Challenge." Prayerfully consider reading the whole of this devotional and practical commentary beginning at the first of the new year. That is what I plan to do, if the Lord wills.

David Bogue and James Bennett, History of the Dissenters, Vol. 3, pp. 17-18:

[George Whitefield] is said to have studied this book [Matthew Henry's commentary] literally on his knees, to have read it through four times, and to the end of his life, to have spoken of the author with the most profound veneration, ever calling him the great Mr. Henry.

There are many different editions: concise, abridged, study Bible and unabridged, single or multi-volume, online or hardcopy. The unabridged edition will, I think, provide the most spiritual benefit to the diligent student of God's Word, but I would encourage anyone who is willing to take up whichever edition is most feasible for them.

Philip Doddridge, Lectures on Preaching, in Works, Vol. 5, p. 474:

Henry is perhaps the only commentator so large that deserves to be entirely and attentively read through. -- The remarkable passages, I think, should be marked.

Other saints from the past have taken up and highly commended this exercise. To do so once in your life, if not more, I believe, will deepen one's understanding of the Word and provide the means for much rich meditation and spiritual fruit.

It is a challenge for many to read through the Bible in one year, let alone a large companion commentary. It is not a light thing to take up such a project, and perhaps some will do so only to discover that this project wasn't for them, or distractions will overtake them in their noble effort (it is worth pondering Luke 14.28 as you consider this challenge). Yet, I think there is benefit for all to be had here, whether or not one finishes (and I expect it to take more than a year, especially as one meditates upon this spiritual feast, which requires "digestion" not speed reading). I am not setting benchmarks or deadlines, but I do plan to post devotional gems as I read through the commentary, as well as encouragements along the way.

Letter from Charles Spurgeon to his son Charles, quoted in The Autobiography of Charles H. Spurgeon: 1856-1878, p. 296:

Read Matthew Henry right through, if you can, before you are married; for, after that event, I fear that Jacob may supplant him.

Join with me, if you, dear Reader, are willing, and take up your commentary on the whole Bible by Matthew Henry, and begin reading it daily starting on January 1, 2010.

May God richly bless our studies of his Word and this devotional commentary.


  1. I just bought this commentary set in hardback. I though I am going to be (outrageosly) busy this next year, I would certainly like to read at least some of Henry's great work each day. Thank you for the inspiration!

  2. You are most welcome, and I pray that the Lord will bless your studies in the coming year.

  3. I linked to this from Matthew Henry's fan page on Facebook. What a great idea! Is the challenge to read Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible or Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible in six volumes? Both are available on line at

  4. Please pardon my delay in responding. I missed your post until now. The challenge is intended to be tailored to each person's particular circumstances, and therefore, anyone is free to choose the most accessible edition for them. Ideally, however, one would read through the entire unabridged commentary. I think that will provide the greatest benefit to the reader. Blessings!

  5. I'm going to give it a shot and I'm going to Blog as I go through it. Bring it on baby!

  6. My husband bought me a Matthew Henry commentary about five years ago for Christmas. The hardback covers back and front are gone and the rest of the pages are tattered and torn, many of them missing. I am not the same person .In place of me, after reading MH .. through Christ there is a new creature.

    We no longer do Christmas!

  7. That is wonderful, Justin. God bless your reading!

  8. Thank you so much for sharing your testimony, sister. God bless you and your husband. Soli Deo gloria!

  9. Is the reading program still available as PDF to be sent via email?

  10. Hi Rich - Yes, the reading plan is still available to be sent as a PDF - just feel free to let me know your email address and I will be happy to send it to you. Keep in mind that it was created in 2010, whereas this is a leap year. Blessings!

  11. Could I have your reading program? It will be much appreciated.

  12. I will be glad to send you the reading plan. Blessings!

  13. Would you please send to

  14. Just found your website from a link at the Puritan Board and saw the Matthew Henry challenge. Would you mind sending me the PDF of the reading plan? My e-mail is I appreciate it. Grace!
