
Monday, October 19, 2009


Many years ago, I was blessed by the French Reformed ministry of Dr. Aaron R. Kayayan, Perspectives Réformées. He and his family were kind enough to host me at their home once. Today, goal to spread the Reformed Faith to French-speaking peoples is carried on by his son Eric at Foi et Vie Réformées (Reformed Faith and Life) or FEVR, based in South Africa and the United States, under the oversight of the "Church Council of Rietvallei Reformed Church (R.C.S.A., South Africa) in full cooperation and agreement with the Reformed Radio Administration Committee (R.R.A.C.) a Reformed interdenominational response to the Lord’s great commission to the Church, based in the U.S.A." Eric Kayayan's ministry is worldwide; yesterday he had occasion to preach at the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland's mission to Nantes, France. Visit this website for French Reformed literature, confessions and sermons. And consider praying for this outreach to those who speak John Calvin's native tongue.

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