
Sunday, October 18, 2009

Patrick's Places

The first Protestant martyr of Scotland was Patrick Hamilton, who was burned at the stake for the gospel on February 29, 1528, at St. Andrews. I have stood on the site where he was executed. He wrote one book, his Loci Communes Theologici, in Latin, probably in 1526, while in Marburg, Germany, which was translated by John Frith into English in 1532 as Dyvers Frutful Gatheryngs of Scripture Concerning Fayth and Workes (Diverse Fruitful Gatherings of Scripture Concerning Faith and Works), but it is most commonly known as Patrick's Places. It is recorded in John Foxe's Book of Martyrs, Book 8 § 165. It contains brief propositions concerning the law and the gospel. Frith referred to this book as the "pith of all divinity"; it was the first theological treatise of the Scottish Protestant Reformation. Below is an extract on the gospel, evangelical and eloquent in its simplicity.

The doctrine of the gospel.

The gospel is as much as to say, in our tongue,good tidings; like as these be hereunder following, and such others, Luke ii. 10.
Christ is the Saviour of the world, John iv. 42.
Christ is the Saviour, Luke ii. 11.
Christ died for us, Rom. v. 6.
Christ died for our sins, Rom. iv. 25.
Christ bought us with his blood, 1 Pet. i. 19.
Christ washed us with his blood, Rev. i. 5.
Christ offered himself for us, Gal. i. 4.
Christ bare our sins on his back, Isa. liii. 6.
Christ came into this world to save sinners, 1 Tim. i. 15.
Christ came into this world to take away our sins, 1 John iii. 5.
Christ was the price that was given for us and our sins, 1 Tim. ii. 6.
Christ was made debtor for us, Rom. viii. 12.
Christ hath paid our debt, for he died for us, Col. ii. 14.
Christ made satisfaction for us and our sins, 1 Cor. vii. 23.
Christ is our righteousness, 1 Cor. i. 30.
Christ is our sanctification, 1 Cor. i. 30.
Christ is our redemption, 1 Cor. i. 30.
Christ is our peace, Eph. ii. 14.
Christ hath pacified the Father of heaven for us, Rom. v. 1.
Christ is ours and all his, 1 Cor. iii. 23.
Christ hath delivered us from the law, from the devil, and from hell, Col. ii. 14-17.
The Father of heaven hath forgiven us our sins, for Christ's sake, 1 John i. 9.
(Or any such other, like to the same, which declare unto us the mercy of God.)

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