Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hendrik de Cock's Testimony for Psalmody

Hendrik de Cock, "father of the Afscheiding ([Dutch Reformed] Secession of 1834)," was born on April 12, 1801. He is a hero of the Reformed Faith, and because of the times in which he lived, was embroiled in controversies which are still alive today. On the occasion of his birthday, one is reminded of his testimony on behalf of psalmody. Its memorable title says it all: The So-Called Evangelical Hymns the Darling of the Enraptured and Misled Multitude in the Synodical Reformed Church and even by some of God's children from blindness, because they were drunk with the wine of her fornication, further tested, weighed and found wanting, Yes, in conflict with all our Forms of Unity and the Word of God. It is available to read online here.


  1. Hello, the link does not work to access the pamphlet by de Cock. Do you know where that can be found? Thank you!

    1. Thanks for commenting. It's true that the link is broken, but using the Wayback Machine, one can still read the article here:
