Samuel Mather, The Figures or Types of the Old Testament: By Which Christ and the Heavenly Things of the Gospel were Preached and Shadowed to the People of God of Old, pp. 77-80 [July 25, 1667]:
4. The fourth personal Type we named was Melchizedek; his Story is in Gen. 14. That he was a Type of Christ is clear from Psal. 110.4. where speaking of, and to the Messiah, he saith, The Lord hath sworn, thou art a Priest for ever after the Order of Melchizedek: As also from that which the Apostle saith, Heb. 7.3 that he was made like unto the Son of God, abideth a Priest continually: Assimilatus, or gerens similitudinem.
Some Controversie there is, who this Melchizedek was; and different Opinions there are. The Papists have very roving Conjectures about it.
He was not Christ himself; because he is said to be made like unto the Son of God, Heb. 7.3. but no Man is said to be like himself: For similitude is between two.
That he was not an Angel, or an Appearance of God, but a true and real Man, may be proved by this Argument; because every Priest is taken from amongst Men, Heb. 5.1. but Melchizedek was a Priest. And the Scripture speaks of him as a Man: For it mentions the Place where he dwelt, viz. at Salem; which must needs be understood Historically, because there is no reason to constrain us to run a Metaphorical Sense.
And, whereas some Object, there was no Man then superior to Abraham in Faith and Holiness: But Melchizedek was greater than Abraham.
Some answer it thus; Non sanctitate, sed dignitate praefertur Abrahae. For that Abraham was but an inferior Person, whereas Melchizedek was King and Priest in Salem.
But we may answer further. That there might be some more eminent than Abraham; some of his godly Ancestors, who were aged and experienced Saints, as Sem, for Instance, might towards the end of their Lives be more eminent than Abraham was in his Youth; of Shem it is certain by Genealogies, Gen. 11. that he was yet living: and he was the greatest Person then in the World; yea greater than Abraham, as being one of his Progenitors and Ancestors.
Therefore many do Conjecture that Sem was this Melchizedek: And indeed the Conjecture is not improbable; tho' for any certain Demonstration it is not to be expected, because the Lord hath purposely concealed who he was, to the end he might be a more illustrious Type of Christ, appearing as it were like a Man fallen down from Heaven, and destinated to that end.
Quest. Wherein was Melchizedek a Type of Christ?
Answ. In regard of the Eternity and Excellency of his Person and Office, both as King and Priest. There be four particulars here included. He was a Type.
1. In regard of his Kingdom. He is called Melchizedek, which the Apostle interprets King of Righteousness, Heb. 7.2. So Christ is King of his Church, and King of Righteousness, Psal. 45.6, 7. King of Salem, which signifies Peace. It is thought to be the same City which was afterward called Jerusalem: so Christ was King of Jerusalem, Zach. 9.9. and King of Peace, Isa. 9.6. My Peace I leave with you, John 14.27. Mic. 5.5. This Man shall be our Peace -- Peace that passeth all Understanding -- and Righteousness first, then Peace, Isa. 32.17. The fruit of Righteousness shall be Peace: Otherwise, thou shalt have no Peace from Christ, unless he give thee Righteousness first; both imputing his own Righteousness for Justification to thee; and infusing the inherent Righteousness of Sanctification into thee: He will not create Peace for thee.
2. In regard of his Priesthood. Melchizedek was Priest of the most high God, Gen. 14.18. Heb. 7.1. so is Christ both King and Priest. This was extraordinary in Melchizedek, that he might be the more glorious Type; God did not ordinarily allow it: The House of Aaron had not the Kingdom; the House of David had not the Priesthood: They might not intermeddle in the Priest's Office; King Uzziah was smitten for it: But Melchizedek was both.
3. In that Shadow of Eternity which the Story in Genesis doth cast upon him. He is there brought in a greater Person than Abraham, the Father of the Faithful: But neither his Birth nor Death mentioned, neither his Father nor Mother, without either beginning or end of Days, Heb. 7.3. It is not meant, that he was so really, but only in sacred History, and in a Type or Shadow: For it is impossible for any Creature to be without beginning, that is an essential property of God; Novitas essendis est de Essentia Creaturae. And that Melchizedek was a Creature, and not God, was proved before; because he was Priest and King of Salem; and every Priest is taken from amongst Men, de Ratione Sacerdotis est ut fit versus homo, it is an Essential requisite in a Priest, that he be indeed a Man: Melchizedek therefore was a Man; but yet Eternal, Typically and in a Figure.
Christ is called a Priest for ever, Psal. 110.4. and of Melchizedek the Apostle saith, he abideth a Priest continually, Heb. 7.3. You shall never have cause to say, My Friend, alas my best Friend is dead: For he hath an everlasting Priesthood, and lives for ever to intercede and make mention of you to the Lord, Heb. 7.25.
4. In regard of his Pre-eminence and Excellency above all other Men. Behold how great this Man was, Heb. 7.8. he was greater than Aaron the Priest of the Lord; yea greater than Abraham the Fore-father of Aaron.
He was greater than Abraham, as in other respects: So in these three.
1. In that he blessed Abraham, Gen. 14.19. Heb. 7.7. and without Contradiction the less is blessed of the greater: So Christ blesseth us, Luke 24.50, 51. All our Blessings are through him; he is the Fountain of Blessing.
2. In that Melchizedek did refresh Abraham and his Army, Gen. 14.18. and Melchizedek King of Salem brought forth Bread and Wine, that is (as the Old Note well explains it) for Abraham and his Soldier's Refreshment, and not to offer Sacrifice: So Christ refresheth his Church with the Word and Sacraments, Mat. 11. I will give you Rest, or I will refresh you, Ego reficiam vos.
3. In that Melchizedek did receive an homage and acknowledgment of Tythes from Abraham, and from Levi and Aaron in his Loins. Thus they paid their Respects to him, Gen. 14.20. Heb. 7.4, 9. whether of his Spoils, or of his Goods, it was the tenth part. Some have gone so far from this, as to Infer, that we ought to give unto Christ the tenth part of our Goods, as well as the seventh part of our Time.
But to let that pass: Certain it is, that we ought to give some fit Proportion of our Estates unto God for his Use and Service. And as he was herein greater than Abraham; so likewise greater than Aaron, and the Aaronical Order. Melchizedek's was an higher Order in many Respects, largely opened in that 7th to the Hebrews.
Use. This that hath been said concerning Melchizedek as a Shadow of Jesus Christ affords the greater Encouragement to believe, and Comfort to them that do believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Encouragement, having such an High Priest, thou maist safely venture thy Soul upon him.
Comfort, that so great a Person is thy Saviour.
True, thou art unworthy; but his Worth and Excellency is enough to preponderate and overballance all thine unworthiness. He is both a King and a Priest for ever after the Order of Melchizedek: and if thou dost accept of him as thy King to rule thee, thou maist safely rely and rest upon him as thine High Priest to justify and reconcile thee to his Father.
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