Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Lord's-Day in a Christian Household

William M. Hetherington, The Constitution of the Family Circle in Family Life; or, Masters and Servants as They Were, Are, and Ought to Be by the Rev. W.M. Hetherington, D.D., LL.D. and the Rev. Andrew Thomson, D.D., pp. 37-38:

The Lord's-Day in a Christian Household

It is a beautiful and a holy sight to see a truly Christian household on the Lord's day. Parents, children, and servants have knelt together in family worship, praying for the presence and the blessing of God in his house of prayer. They have, with quiet activity, made their simple arrangements that as many as possible may attend public worship, with such alternate changes as enable all to attend on some portion of the day. Evening has come. Some of the members of the family -- father, sons, or daughters -- have given an hour to Sabbath-school teaching. Others, the mother and other daughters, have given that hour to the instruction of the domestic servants. It is now nearly time for family worship. All are again assembled; but before beginning that sacred duty, the father devotes some time to catechising both the children and servants -- ascertaining what attention they have paid to public worship -- how they understood, and how much they have remembered of the sermon, giving such explanations and instructions as may be needed and beneficial on these topics, and on the portion of Scripture as it is read; then in solemn, earnest, affectionate, hopeful prayer commends the whole household to the care of their one heavenly Father, in the name of the one Redeemer, and by the one Holy Spirit.

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